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Note: All commands are written for juju >= v.3.0

If you are using an earlier version, check the Juju 3.0 Release Notes.

Perform a minor rollback

Example: MySQL 8.0.34 → MySQL 8.0.33
(including charm revision bump: e.g Revision 43 → Revision 42)

After a juju refresh, if there are any version incompatibilities in charm revisions, its dependencies, or any other unexpected failure in the upgrade process, the process will be halted and enter a failure state.

Even if the underlying MySQL cluster continue to work, it’s important to roll back the charm to a previous revision so that an update can be attempted after further inspection of the failure.

Warning: Do NOT trigger rollback during the running upgrade action! It may cause an unpredictable MySQL cluster state!

Summary of the rollback steps

  1. Prepare the Charmed MySQL K8s application for the in-place rollback.
  2. Rollback. Perform the first charm rollback on the first unit only. The unit with the maximal ordinal will be chosen.
  3. Resume. Continue rolling back the rest of the units if the first unit rolled back successfully.
  4. Check. Make sure the charm and cluster are in healthy state again.

Step 1: Prepare

To execute a rollback, we use a similar procedure to the upgrade. The difference is the charm revision to upgrade to. In this guide’s example, we will refresh the charm back to revision 88.

It is necessary to re-run pre-upgrade-check action on the leader unit, to enter the upgrade recovery state:

juju run mysql-k8s/leader pre-upgrade-check

Step 2: Rollback

When using charm from charmhub:

juju refresh mysql-k8s --revision=88

When deploying from a local charm file, one must have the previous revision charm file and the mysql-image resource, then run:

juju refresh mysql-k8s --path=<path to charm file> --resource mysql-image=<image URL>

For example:

juju refresh mysql-k8s --path=./mysql-k8s_ubuntu-22.04-amd64.charm \

where mysql-k8s_ubuntu-22.04-amd64.charm is the previous revision charm file.

The reference for the resource for a given revision can be found in the metadata.yaml file in the charm’s repository under the key upstream-source.

The first unit will be rolled out and should rejoin the cluster after settling down. After the refresh command, the juju controller revision for the application will be back in sync with the running Charmed MySQL K8s revision.

Step 3: Resume

To resume the upgrade on the remaining units use the resume-upgrade action:

juju run mysql-k8s/leader resume-upgrade

This will roll out the pods in the remaining units to the same charm revision.

Step 4: Check

Future improvements are planned to check the state on pods/clusters on a low level.

For now, check juju status to make sure the cluster state is OK.

Last updated 4 months ago. Help improve this document in the forum.