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Note: All commands are written for juju >= v.3.0

If you are using an earlier version, check the Juju 3.0 Release Notes.

How to create and list backups

This guide contains recommended steps and useful commands for creating and managing backups to ensure smooth restores.


Create a backup

Once juju status shows Charmed MySQL K8s as active and idle you can create your first backup with the create-backup command:

juju run mysql-k8s/leader create-backup

If you have a cluster of one unit, you can run the create-backup action on mysql-k8s/leader (which will also be the primary unit).

Otherwise, you must run the create-backup action on a non-primary unit (see juju status or run juju run-action mysql-k8s/leader get-cluster-status to find the primary unit).

List backups

You can list your available, failed, and in progress backups by running the list-backups command:

juju run mysql-k8s/leader list-backups

Last updated 4 months ago. Help improve this document in the forum.