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Audit Logs

The Audit Log plugin allows all login/logout records to be stored in a log file. It is enabled in Charmed MySQL K8s by default.


The following is a sample of the audit logs, with format json with login/logout records:


The logs are stored in the /var/log/mysql directory of the mysql container, and it’s rotated every minute to the /var/log/mysql/archive_audit directory. It’s recommended to integrate the charm with COS, from where the logs can be easily persisted and queried using Loki/Grafana.


  1. plugin-audit-enabled - The audit plugin is enabled by default in the charm, but it’s possible to disable it by setting:

    juju config mysql-k8s plugin-audit-enabled=false

    Valid value are false and true. By setting it to false, existing logs are still kept in the archive_audit directory.

  2. logs_audit_policy - Audit log policy:

    juju config mysql-k8s logs_audit_policy=queries

    Valid values are: “all”, “logins” (default), “queries”

  3. plugin-audit-strategy - By default the audit plugin writes logs in asynchronous mode for better performance. To ensure logs are written to disk on more timely fashion, this configuration can be set to semi-synchronous mode:

    juju config mysql-k8s plugin-audit-strategy=semi-async

    Valid values are async and semi-async.

Last updated a month ago. Help improve this document in the forum.